Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Log | Picnic at Daradaat View, Ratau, Kota Belud, Sabah.

This was exactly a month ago as we're celebrating my nephew's birthday and I just had like a day to come back home for the weekend so I grabbed my brothers, new sister-in-law, the birthday boy, my niece, of course my parents and my new nephew and niece to go for a picnic at this camping site about 3-hour drive away from my hometown.

This was the very much needed rest after a month (at the time) of late nights at the office and mountains of take-outs and deliveries.

To be honest, the views here aren't that better compared to other campsites we've been but the weather was cool as it's about to rain and there were less people that we've anticipated so it's kind of perfect.

One of my recent purchase from my new favourite outdoor store. So comfortable to sit in for hours and now I'm wishing for its table sister and storage bags buddies.

I don't know why I love looking at rocks and stones! 

Overall, it was nice and totally chill. It rained heavily right after we've packed our stuffs in the car so indeed it was perfect. Can't wait for our next trip to another campsite hopefully within this month! I'll catch up with you guys later. 

2 comments on "Log | Picnic at Daradaat View, Ratau, Kota Belud, Sabah."
  1. Subhanallah, cantiknya tempat piknik ni! Berbaloi la driving 3 jam nak sampai ke sini 😊

    1. yep yep! seriously chilled sangat and worth the efforts
