Cleaning my anime figures is supposedly a task to be done every few weeks but I'm not going to lie as when I'm too occupied with my schedules and whatnot, a month could've gone by without me cleaning them. Even though I live in smoke-free apartment, I'm supposed to do it at least once a month to keep them looking nice and fresh and away from judgement! Hah!
Anyway, while I usually just brush away the dusts with old makeup brushes, I always wipe off the bases with soft, fluffy towel that I've gotten from Daiso (man, I miss that 200-yen store!) to remove traces of prints. I'd be sanitising them with disinfectant spray after my relatives came to play and then let them sit for a good minute before wiping them off with fresh towels.
How about you guys? How often do you clean your anime figures? Let me know by leaving comments down below.
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