I've been waiting to complete this figure line released by Bandai Spirits Co. Ltd. and finally the latest release for this Q Posket line which is Seta Sojiro is here! If you didn't know, Enishi Yukishiro and Himura Kenshin were both released back in April, Saito Hajime and Himura Battousai were both released back in May while Sojiro Seta was released last month.
As of this week, I haven't seen if there's another figure coming out for this Banpresto line but I'm praying hard that maybe they can release figures for the girl characters as well especially Kaoru. Although I'm not going to lie, I've been eyeing Good Smile Company's Pop Up Parade figures for both Himura and Shishio as I don't think I can afford getting their Nendoroid counterparts but I just want more figures for Rurouni Kenshin.
Therefore in conjunction with Rurouni Kenshin Netflix's live action adaptations; The Final which came out last month and The Beginning that are supposedly coming out at the end of this month, I'm going to post reviews for all the figures above so definitely stay tuned for that.
I guess that's all for now so I'll see you guys on my next post! Happy weekend and stay safe!
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