It has been 2 weeks since I've quit my job at our partnering company and the first thing my dad said this morning is "Get up 'cause it's time to set up your office corner!" so I went shopping for computer stuffs at local IT mall, Karamunsing Complex and among things that I've picked up is this Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard that also comes with Pebble M350 Wireless Mouse as a set sold at RM259. I know I can get cheaper prices online but delivery takes weeks and I don't feel like waiting.

I saw that the keyboard and the mouse are actually available to purchase separately which is great but I think both of them are going to be useful in my Spring-themed flatlays later hence this purchase.

Each of the devices came in it's own box and good thing it's not too bulky; just enough to safely house the keyboard.

There's sufficient information printed at the back of the box for convenience. It's important to check the compatibility of this keyboard to both iOS and Android devices that I have and going to use with.

Ooh! I just love the tone of the pink for this as it's the right amount of pink that my brains can tolerate. Totally love the size of it as I can slip it in my work bag and carry it everywhere with me.
When it comes to mouse, I'm not really fond of Logitech's as I've got several ones that broke down after less than 6 months so I'd sure hope to get at least a year with this cutie.

It's wireless, comes with a battery and I'd simply slid in the receiver back into it whenever I'm using other mouse while I'm at home or the office. It's also nice that there's ON/OFF button at the bottom as I think I've bought one without that option before and batteries drained out faster compared to the ones with.

As you can see above, the keyboard went really nice with my rose gold iPhone 7S that I mainly use for work i.e WhatsApp as I haven't got the time to import my messages to my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra that' I've bought recently yet which I will get around to share about it with you guys later.
I guess that's all of it and have a lovely week ahead!
Stay safe!
bought this but the mouse broke after merely 4 months of use.